

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the sinuses, the cavities located in the bones of the face and skull. This inflammation can be caused by a viral, bacterial, or fungal infection, or by allergies. Common symptoms of sinusitis include nasal congestion, facial pain, headaches, fever, a feeling of pressure in the sinuses, and loss of smell.

In Osteopathy, the treatment of sinusitis primarily aims to alleviate symptoms associated with sinus inflammation and promote drainage of secretions to relieve congestion. Here are some osteopathic techniques that can be used in the treatment of sinusitis:


Manipulation of cervical joints

By mobilizing the joints of the neck, the osteopath can help relieve tension and improve mobility, which can also promote sinus drainage.

Mobilization of cranial bones

By gently mobilizing the cranial bones, including the facial bones and frontal skull bones, the osteopath can help improve blood and lymphatic circulation in the sinus region, thereby promoting drainage.

Myofascial release techniques

These techniques aim to release tension in the muscles of the face and neck, which can help alleviate the pressure and congestion associated with sinusitis.

Cranial tension release techniques

By releasing tension in the cranial membranes and sutures between the skull bones, the osteopath can promote better circulation of cerebrospinal fluid and aid in sinus drainage.

Lymphatic drainage techniques

The osteopath can use gentle techniques to stimulate the lymphatic system, thereby promoting the elimination of fluids and toxins from the sinuses and nasal passages.

Sinus hygiene advice

In addition to physical manipulations, the osteopath can also provide advice on nasal irrigation techniques or other sinus hygiene methods to help clear nasal passages and reduce congestion.

It is important to note that osteopathy does not replace conventional medical treatments for sinusitis, such as decongestant medications or antibiotics for bacterial infections. However, it can be used as a complementary approach to alleviate symptoms and promote faster recovery. Before starting any treatment, it is recommended to consult a qualified healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.

Feel free to contact Julien Dadoun, Osteopath in Muscat, for any inquiries about the various treatments.