Pre and post natal Osteopathy


Pre and postnatal osteopathy aims to support the health and well-being of the mother before and after childbirth, as well as that of the baby. The techniques used are gentle and safe for both the mother and the baby, aiming to release muscular and fascial tensions and work on posture. The goal is to reduce pain and optimize the available space to allow the baby to develop optimally. Here are some reasons why osteopathy is beneficial at these different stages:



Preparation for childbirth

Osteopathy can help prepare the mother’s body for childbirth by promoting optimal alignment of the pelvis, relieving muscular tension, and optimizing joint mobility. This can facilitate labor and reduce potential complications during childbirth.

Pain relief

Many pregnant women experience lower back, pelvic, or other discomfort related to pregnancy. Osteopathy can relieve these pains by reducing muscular tension and improving joint mobility.

Hormonal balance

Osteopathy can help balance hormones during pregnancy, which can contribute to the overall well-being of both the mother and the baby.

Stress management

Pregnancy can be a stressful time for many women, and osteopathy can help relieve stress by promoting muscular relaxation and improving blood and lymphatic circulation.


Recovery after childbirth

Osteopathy can help speed up the recovery process after childbirth by promoting tissue healing, reducing muscular tension, and realigning the body.

Pain relief

Many women experience postnatal pains, such as lower back pain, pelvic pain, or tension in the back and shoulders. Osteopathy can relieve these pains by restoring musculoskeletal balance and improving the function of internal organs.

Breastfeeding support

For breastfeeding mothers, osteopathy can help relieve muscular tension and improve the mobility of structures involved in breastfeeding, such as the chest, shoulders, and neck.

Hormonal rebalancing

Osteopathy can contribute to rebalancing hormones after childbirth, which can help the mother regain her energy and overall well-being.

In summary, pre and postnatal osteopathy aims to support the mother’s body during pregnancy, facilitate the childbirth process, and promote a quick and comfortable recovery after the baby‘s birth.

Pregnancy and the beginning of parenthood are often accompanied by stress and questions. Feel free to contact Julien Dadoun, Osteopath in Muscat, for any inquiries about the various treatments.