Pediatric osteopathy

Julien Dadoun, Osteopath in Muscat, can play a pivotal role in addressing issues related to birth and childbirth trauma. These concerns may encompass various conditions affecting infants, children, and even adults, stemming from challenges during childbirth or postnatal complications. Here are some examples of problems that your Osteopath in Muscat can address in this domain:


Plagiocephaly and congenital torticollis

Some babies may develop skull deformities or torticollis due to positioning in the uterus or constraints during childbirth. Osteopathy can aid in correcting these issues by delicately realigning the baby’s bone and muscle structures.

Breastfeeding difficulties

Infants facing challenges with breastfeeding can benefit from osteopathic intervention to address muscle tension or movement restrictions that may hinder nursing.

Colic and gastroesophageal reflux (GERD)

Certain infants may experience colic or reflux due to tension or dysfunction in their digestive system. Osteopathy can help alleviate these symptoms by addressing the structures involved in digestion.

Sleep and sensory regulation issues

Birth trauma can occasionally lead to sleep or sensory regulation challenges in infants and children. Osteopathy can assist in regulating the nervous system and promoting a more peaceful sleep.

Motor development problems

Some children may encounter delays in motor development due to birth trauma or dysfunction in their musculoskeletal system. Osteopathy can support healthy motor development by addressing body alignment and mobility.

By collaborating closely with other healthcare professionals such as pediatricians and midwives, your Osteopath in Muscat can provide holistic and complementary treatment to aid infants, children, and adults in overcoming issues related to birth and childbirth trauma. »

If you have any questions about the possibility of osteopathic treatment for various issues, feel free to contact Julien, Osteopath in Muscat.