Osteopathy- Dentist


Treating jaw problems through osteopathy, in collaboration with a dentist, can effectively address a wide array of issues such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, facial pain, headaches, and associated symptoms. Here’s how osteopathy and dentistry can work together to address these concerns:

What can we do?

  • Joint Assessment
  • Occlusion tests and treatments
  • Correction of Musculoskeletal Imbalances
  • Muscle Tension Reduction
  • Improvement of Joint Mobility
  • Posture and Relaxation Guidance
  • Dental interventions

Collaborative care between a dentist and an osteopath can be beneficial for addressing various oral health issues as well as the overall health of the patient. Here are some types of problems that can be addressed through this collaboration:

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD)

TMD issues such as joint pain, limited mouth opening, clicking, or joint popping can be treated by combining dental and osteopathic approaches to restore balance and function to the temporomandibular joint


Malocclusions, including misalignments, overbites, or underbites, can be corrected through orthodontic treatments and osteopathic techniques aimed at realigning cranial and maxillofacial structures.

Bruxism and Teeth Grinding

Bruxism and teeth grinding can be addressed by identifying and correcting dental contributing factors such as malocclusions or occlusal issues, while also relieving associated muscle tension through osteopathic techniques.

Facial Pain

Facial pain, whether musculoskeletal or related to dental structures, can be treated by combining dental techniques such as occlusal adjustments and osteopathic treatments to relieve muscle ,joint tension and nerves work.

Headaches and Migraines

Craniofacial headaches and migraines can benefit from a multidisciplinary approach combining dental treatments to correct occlusal disorders and osteopathic interventions to reduce muscle and joint tension.

Postural Problems

Postural issues may be related to musculoskeletal imbalances, including those affecting the teeth, jaw and cervical region. Collaboration between the dentist and osteopath can help correct these imbalances and improve the patient’s overall posture.

By working together, the Dentist and Osteopath can provide a comprehensive and integrated approach to address these problems, combining the benefits of dental and osteopathic treatments to achieve optimal outcomes for the patient.

If you have any questions about the possibility of osteopathic treatment for various issues, feel free to contact Julien, Osteopath in Muscat.