Cranio-sacral therapy


Craniosacral therapy in osteopathy aims to evaluate and treat the anatomical structures associated with the skull, sacrum, and the craniosacral system as a whole. This approach is based on the concept that the craniosacral system, comprising the bones of the skull, sacrum, cranial membranes, cerebrospinal fluid, and related structures, exhibits subtle yet significant mobility crucial for overall body health.

There are several reasons why someone might consult an osteopath for craniosacral work, and here are a few of them:


Headaches and migraines: By releasing tensions in cranial structures and promoting better circulation of cerebrospinal fluid, craniosacral work can help alleviate headaches and migraines.

Neck and back pain: Restrictions in the craniosacral system can contribute to neck and back pain. The gentle techniques used by the osteopath can help release these tensions and improve mobility, thus relieving pain.

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues: By restoring balance and function to the cranial and jaw bones, craniosacral therapy can alleviate problems related to the temporomandibular joint.

Stress and tension: Being closely linked to the central nervous system, work on the craniosacral system can promote deep relaxation, thus helping to relieve stress and tension.

Sleep problems: By promoting a state of relaxation conducive to falling asleep and improving sleep quality, craniosacral work can help address certain sleep issues.

Digestive problems: Craniosacral therapy can sometimes help relieve digestive issues by enhancing blood and nerve circulation to the digestive organs.

Physical injuries or traumas: Following physical injuries or cranial traumas, work on the craniosacral system can aid in reducing sequelae and promoting healing.

Sinusitis: you found a full article dedicated to it here

It is essential to note that craniosacral therapy is often used as a complement to other forms of treatment, Feel free to contact Julien Dadoun, Osteopath in Muscat, for any inquiries about the various treatments.