Home exercices

« Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person’s physical, emotional, and mental states. » – Carol Welch

You can find a variety of accessible exercises on this page to prevent and alleviate various pains, improve your posture, and increase your mobility at home.

« Move Freely and Live Fully »

Unlocking Hip Mobility: Reduce hip and back Pain with These Exercises

Hip exercises are crucial for preventing back pain. Muscles like the glutes, piriformis, and ilio-psoas all attach to the hip and lower back. Relaxing these muscles reduces tension on the spinal vertebrae and improves posture. To maintain a healthy back, it’s essential to focus on hip mobility.

Low back pain : Reduce low back pain with theses exercices.

Discover targeted exercises to restore your lower back’s health and alleviate discomfort caused by prolonged sitting. Our curated routine enhances lumbar extension, stability, and mobility, promoting flexibility and resilience. Strengthen your core, reduce injury risks, and embrace a pain-free life.